Tuesday, May 18, 2010

How do you place the cards in the "Memory" game before play?

I was playing "memory" with my 4 year-old niece and before play I scattered the cards on the floor. I was told by the mother that is not the way to play and that you line up the cards. I just remember playing it when I was a kid and we used to scatter them to make it more challenging. Who is right?

How do you place the cards in the "Memory" game before play?
they're both right. but in that situation i think u should line them up becuz ur playing with a 4 year old.
Reply:I forgot! Ho ho ho.

Seriously, it can be done either way. In neat rows, or just scattered. The main thing is that the cards should not physically be touching each other.
Reply:You have to line them up in rows like 5 by 5

or whatever you want.

then that way when you flip over 2 and get them wrong you flip them back over so the other person can remember where they were at!

The whole point of the game being called Memory lol
Reply:Try to line them up, like in a square so when she and you pick up the cards that she knows excactly where they are.....and maybe if that is too difficult for her give her a peice of paper and tell her to write them down. That will also help her number skills and writing skills.

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