Sunday, May 23, 2010

Do motorola V3s (blue) have memory cards to store things like music and pictures?

I have ordered from ebay a blue motorola V3. It hasn't arrived yet, and after i ordered it i kept reading it is one of the worst phones for memory. I have looked on the internet and i havent found out if it has one or not. Can someone with a blue one please tell me if it does. And can you tell me if it is a good phone to have or not. Does it have good features like a video camera and mp3 player etc. I hope im not disapointed!

Do motorola V3s (blue) have memory cards to store things like music and pictures?
They don't come with the memory cards, but there is a slot for them!

A memory card is about $25 and fits in a slot in the bottom side behind the battery.

It's a fair phone. Slow to start up, but not bad. up to 15 second video capabilities, photos, voice activation and speaker phone are great features.

Blue tooth makes it completely hands free.

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